AE is a small business with a thoroughly modern and effective remote working business model, which allows us to work flexibly and efficiently with clients across time-zones and without geographic limits.  So you would be justified in asking “Why do we organise and run small local networking events in Cambridge and London?”  Recently we had opportunity to reflect on this and the value of networking in general.

We concluded for us local networking is important:

  •  It provides a forum for sharing ideas, being inspired and making connections
  • Building relationships within the local business community allows us to help people. When people approach us for assistance and we can’t help, we can often point them in the correct direction to someone that can
  • Networking events are opportunities to learn, find out what is happening in the local area and identify local industry trends
  • We are proud corporate sponsors of Break Charity, who work with vulnerable children across East Anglia, and a couple of times a year we incorporate a little fundraising into our networking events, which is enthusiastically supported
  • And finally, it is fun and sociable: meeting old colleagues and new people is thoroughly enjoyable

A few years ago we were asked by Ed Goodman (Cambridge Business Lounge) to comment on why we ran our own networking events for an article he was compiling.  Then, as now, our tailored networking events, with no expectations and a relaxed atmosphere lead to good conversations.  We believe networking should focus on building networks and getting to know people, not on generating new business or handing out business cards.

With that in mind, we are looking forward to our next opportunity to meet up with colleagues and friends and enjoy a tour of Italian wines, hosted by the excellent independent retailer, Cambridge Wine Merchants

In our next Journal articles, we will be exploring tools and apps we use to run efficient cloud-based client services and our internal remote working processes …topics we’ll cover include how to make the most of Quickbooks apps and setting up efficient cloud accounting solutions and secure data storage. If you are interested in finding out more about how we run integrated cloud-based outsourcing services for our clients, or our networking events please get in touch.