Today (24th June) sees the first day of the GoGoGorillas trail in Norwich.
Aspiration Europe are very proud to be sponsoring 2 of the 53 gorillas dotted around Norwich, having decided recently to sponsor a second gorilla, “Hide and Seek”, featuring a delightful woodland animal theme and designed by local Norwich artist Helen Stokes.
Last week (on the 18th) a few of the AE team attended the official launch of GoGoGorillas at the Riverside Entertainment Centre in Norwich. 13 of the gorillas were in attendance – and we were delighted to see Earnest, our first (truly “Wilde”) GoGoGorilla there. We were also pleased to see both our gorilla artists: London-based photographer and designer Suzi Ovens, and local artist Helen Stokes.
The GoGoGorillas trail (and a smaller schools’ gorilla trail) will be in Norwich throughout the summer and are well worth a visit – a great day out for all ages.
Today, a couple of the AE team have walked part of the gorilla trail along with other sponsors and artists, thoroughly enjoying seeing all the fantastic and original artwork.
The event looks set to be a huge success thanks to a lot of hard work by the amazing people at Break Charity and their supporters – though a special mention must be made of Martin Green, the Project Manager for the GoGoGorillas event, whose dedication and hard work in putting together the trail is frankly inspirational.
Later in the year – after the trail has finished – on 3rd October there will be an auction in Norwich to sell all of these “gorilla works of art”. The auction will raise further funds to facilitate Break’s valuable and essential work with vulnerable children and their families – including children in care, with disabilities and those moving on from care.
Aspiration Europe were asked a couple of weeks ago to sponsor the auction guide for this event, and we are delighted to be furthering our support of Break Charity by doing so. We also now plan to continue supporting Break Charity on a regular basis going forwards.
GoGoGorillas trail maps are available from:
For more information about the amazing work carried out by Break Charity please visit their website
More photos of both the launch event and a selection of the GoGoGorillas around Norwich are available on our Facebook page